Saturday, January 22, 2022

Banjo-Kazooie Is Back Lets Talk About It

Not an actual Banjo-Kazooie game image


    So Banjo-Kazooie was just released on the Nintendo Switch Online expansion pack which allows players access to select Sega Genesis and Nintendo 64 titles for about $50 a year. I debated whether I should get the expansion pack as I wasn't too interested in most of the Sega Genesis titles and already had most of the Nintendo 64 titles. However Banjo-Kazooie was one title that made me finally purchase this expansion for the Nintendo Switch.

    Banjo Kazooie was originally released back in 1998 for the Nintendo 64 but was a game I originally overlooked back then, which ended up being a regret as I would learn later as an adult that Banjo Kazooie was actually one of the best games on the N64 system. I would eventually get a chance to playthrough the game but never got around to actually beating it and now that it's back I plan to do just that.

    I'll talk about the game Banjo-Kazooie a little at a time going over each area of the video game one at a time so look forward to that as I play through the game for the first time in... I think it's actually been a decade now since I last play Banjo Kazooie

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